Review Your Achievements this Year - Complete Your Self-Assessment Before June 23

For year-round team members - We have a lot to celebrate this year - from Epic Lift Upgrades to tackling weather challenges and more. Your individual contributions are an important part of our collective success and now it’s time to recognize and reward you for all that you achieved over the last year. The Year-End Talent & Compensation Process is your dedicated time to reflect on your accomplishments, development and growth through your Self-Assessment. 

Self-Assessments are due this Friday, June 23. Make sure to block time on your calendar to complete the assessment if you haven’t already - there will be no extensions and you will not be able to add comments or make changes after the deadline. 

Complete your Self-Assessment by June 23: 

  1. Review the Reflection Worksheet and take notes on what you want to document in your Self-Assessment 
  2. Log in to SuccessFactors and navigate to the ‘Performance’ tab  
  3. Select your FY23 Year-End Performance Assessment  
  4. Complete the Self-Assessment  
  5. Select “Save and Close” to save a draft and come back to it later or “Complete Year-End Assessment” to submit your assessment. Please note that your manager will be able to see all the comments you submit with your form. Documenting in Microsoft Word first and then copying into SuccessFactors is always an option. 

See the Year-End Talent and Compensation Process Overview for more details.