A Short History of the Epic Pass

Do you know where the idea for the Epic Pass came from? Fifteen years ago, season passes were often priced at about $1,800 for one resort - creating barriers to the growth of our sport. We wanted to make passes (and resorts!) more accessible to more people. So, we made a deal with skiers and snowboarders - if they would commit to buying ahead of the season, we would give them an epic deal. We launched the Epic Pass in 2008 with unlimited, unrestricted access to five resorts – for a price tag that was half the cost of a single-resort season pass. Today, the Epic Pass provides access to our 41 resorts (in addition to partner resorts across the globe) and our company is able to reinvest in you, the guest experience, our mountain communities, and more. 

Want to share the incredible deal that is the Epic Pass with your friends and family before prices go up on Sept. 4? Repost from our LinkedIn or Instagram, or share epicpass.com. If you post on social media, make sure to identify your affiliation with our company by using #VailResortsTeamMember.